Dr Yatendra Sharma and his wife Mrs Manju Sharma founded a non-profit religious organisation ‘Shri Ram Katha Sansthan Perth’ in 2016 with the help of some like-minded friends in Perth, Western Australia. The Sansthan is based on the teachings of Bhagwan Swami Ramanand Ji, founder of Shri Ramanandi Sampraday.
As a Vaishnav saint, Bhagwan Swami Ramanand Ji occupies a pivotal position in the Bhakti Movement of Medieval India. The Sansthan practices the teaching of Bhagwan Swami Ramanand Ji of non-discrimination against religion, sex and ethical background of a person as He said, “The one who practices the doctrine of human equality and brotherhood is admissible to God. Let no one ask a person’s religion, caste, or sect. Whomsoever worships God is God’s own”. The Sansthan believes that pure ‘Bhakti’ (devotion) with love is very dear to God and all devotees of God are brothers and sisters.
The Sansthan has the spiritual beliefs as taught by Bhagwan Shri Ramanand Ji.
Concept of Brahman (Supreme)
Lord Ram and Mother Sita are the Supreme Brahman. They are omnipresent and preserver of the Universe.
Concept of Jiva (Soul)
The existence of Jiva (Soul) is dependent on Brahman. Jiva is guided and enlightened by Brahman. The dependence of Jiva is on the bliss of Supreme power as reflected in Jiva under the virtual shadow of the Mastership of Brahman. Lord Ram and Mother Sita (Brahman) are the means to achieve Salvation. Their eternal and omnipresence help Jiva to move forward towards the achievement of Salvation (Moksha).
Concept of Maya (Illusion)
Maya is the cause of Prakrati (Nature/ World). Prakrati is the combination of three Gunas (Qualities) -Sat, Raj and Tamas. By these three Guns Prakarati creates the world. Maya is controlled by Brahman. Brahman (Lord Ram and Mother Sita) alone can provide Salvation from Maya.
Concept of Moksha (Salvation)
The abode of Lord Ram and Mother Sita is Saket-dham. By meditating and/or praying Lord Ram and Mother Sita in the heart, devotees get Salvation (Moksh) and never come back into this world. The cycle of birth and death is eradicated forever.
The Sansthan, following the principles and teachings of Bhagwan Swami Ramanand Ji, respects Guru Lineage and all the great scholars of Sanatan Dharm, both men and women. The saints such as Saint Anantananda, Saint Sursurananda, Saint Sukhanand, Saint Naraharidāsa, Saint Bhavanand, Saint Bhagat Pipa, Saint Kabir, Saint Goswami Tulsi Das, Saint Sen, Saint Dhanna, Saint Ravidas, Mata Sursuri, Mata Padyawati and so on are well respected by the Sansthan. The current Peethadheesh Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Rambhadrachary Ji is our respected spiritual leader.
The Sansthan is continually publishing booklets on the life stories of the great Sanatan Dharm Saints, Mothers, Sanatan Kings etc, to give awareness of the Sanatan Dharm and its culture to the followers of Hinduism. From time to time it also organises Shri Ram Katha and other Kathas of the great Sanatan Saints, Mothers and Kings of Sanatan India.